Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Teens Against Gang Violence

Not every teen thinks gangs are cool. There are clubs against gang violence with over hundreds of teen members participating in them. for example, The Teens Against Gang Violence program (TAGV) is a volunteer, youth led community-based program located in Dorchester, Massachusetts. It provides violence prevention, education, and intervention services to youth service providers, youth, and family. Their vision is to eliminate violence in all forms. This program is for people ages 8-20+ of all ethnics and cultural backgrounds. The more of these programs that are created the better it is for younger kids who are growing up exposed to gangs. It gives them a variety of other things to do with their time instead of being involved with violence. Most children deal with gang violence pressure at an early age. They figure because its what they've been exposed to all their life they have no choice but to join a gang. That's why we need more clubs and teen related activities to show them that there is always another option. Although it may seem as if all our teen have gone hay wire on these new gang phase there are still some teens out there who want to do right.

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