Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gang Violence(Teens and Adults)

Gang violence is something happening around this city everyday. It's not only males now, however, young females are also getting involved with gang related activities. According to these girls when joining a gang they feel a sense of power, protection, respect, and " belonging to a family". These young girls state that school is very dangerous place and you have to do what you can to survive and for them that would be to join a gang. Initiation into a gang could include being beaten and kicked by other gang members, participating in a robbery or drive by, getting matching tattoos, or having sex with several male gang members at once. Usually most of these girls come from family issues such as physical abuse, poverty, or a broken home and feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world. However, sometimes these girls do have stable homes but join gangs under peer pressure. I really think it's sad that these girls believe it's necessary to put themselves through so much just to gain respect from their peers or to feel loved. There is always another option, joining a gang isn't the only way to deal with your problems.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Blog!! Lol